I AM, even in the funk.

I've been in a funk. 

Thanks to COVID, teaching children while fully masked, 
and feeling like I cant take one more negative notification from life. 

While in my funk, my husband came to me last night and said “babe, you better get yourself in check.”And I needed that accountability. My funk was pretty strong, and I just couldn’t seem to shake it. He reminded me of something I used to do in my journals a while back (and for some reason it just stopped). He said, “stop saying I wish I could be this way, or I want to be this, but outside forces are putting me in a funk. You need to remember your I AM statements.”

Stating who I AM. The parts of me that never change, no matter what emotion I am in.

I AM, awake and aware.
I AM, loved and love.
I AM, here for a purpose and a calling that is greater than I can imagine.
I AM, whole despite my brokenness.

So your prompt...

Come up with your I AM statements. These will stand true no matter what funky mood comes your way!